July 22, 2014

Egotistical Madness is Exterminating "Common Sense"


by Larry Peterson

How many times have you heard someone use the phrase, "It's only common sense", or "It's just common sense"? I know for sure I have heard it and used it countless times throughout my entire life.  So, where does "common sense" come from?  What is it?  Why do we have it to begin with? 
The definition of "Common Sense" as per Dictionary.com  is as follows: 
common sense
"sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like;
normal native intelligence." 
The definition neatly encapsulates what common sense is.  But it certainly does not tell us where it came from or why we have it and, most importantly, why we NEED it.  What is painfully obvious is that in today's society the natural and inherent ability for people to turn to their own "common sense" when necessary is being systematically destroyed by several factors: political correctness, an improbable fear of "what might happen" and plain old ideological intransigence that foments hatred and intolerance toward anyone that might disagree.  All of these things fall under the perverse banner of "Zero Tolerance".  It has led to what I call, "Egotistical Madness".

There is a natural progression of order in the world we live in.  At least there used to be. The Founding Fathers understood that people were "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" and that these rights had to be protected under a rule of law which conformed to and was in harmony with a Natural Law.  This Natural Law was a by-product of an even higher law, an Eternal Law, which is part of God Himself.  Our nation was founded by men who had their core beliefs embedded in their faith in God. The Declaration of Independence shouts this out with words in its very first paragraph when it says that the people should receive "to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them."  And if, in fact, Natural Law is a by-product of Eternal Law it follows that "common-sense" is a by-product of Natural Law. 

The United States of America was founded and had placed as its foundation by the Founders, Judeo-Christian principles. These great men knew that they were part of the progression from their Creator. He was the Eternal law and He is the only one with a complete understanding of it. They were his tools to initiate and put in place the rules that would protect Natural Law.  Natural Law follows and includes the belief that man is capable of reason and knows inherently right from wrong. He also has a free will and can decide to accept or reject that which he knows is right or wrong.  The Founders also knew that such things as the Bible, The Torah, and the Ten Commandments were put in place by God to help guide us on our life's journey.  Ultimately, that God-given gift to us of reason and free included  "common sense". 

There is a war being waged against Christianity, especially Catholic Christians.  Christ never said it would be an easy road when following Him. History is littered with the deaths, torture, abuse and hatred toward all those who have followed the true Man of Peace and those horrors continue to this very day.  But we had the United States of America, the beacon of hope, the place where the "tired, the poor, the homeless, the tempest tossed, and anyone who wanted freedom could come and worship God and say what they wanted to say and live where they decided to live. We Americans even had a Constitution that protected these rights that were inspired by Natural Law. 

What has happened to the USA?  It seems to me that destruction was started in reverse---by trashing "common sense".  The rest of the world knew what the USA stood for. Whether it was out of fear or respect, Christianity thrived, not just in America but in many other places around the world because those who despised us knew it would be too heavy a price to pay to go up against the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave".  America always protected their friends.  But from inside, from our own people, the subtle attacks began.  Common sense began to be cast to the wind and Zero Tolerance took hold.  

The word "Christmas" was attacked as offensive.  "Easter vacation" became "spring break",  people at work were told to remove crosses or any type of religious items from their desks.  Last year in Connecticut, 998 children under six years old were "suspended" from school for bad behavior. A six year old boy in Denver was suspended because he 'kissed" a girl on the hand.  I could go on and on but the point is, we must get back to using some good old fashioned "common sense".  Our children deserve it. We deserve it.  The United States of America needs it. Allowing this inherent trait to blossom could very well help us turn back on the road that is leading us all to a place called "nothing".

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